Sunday, May 18, 2014

Silhouette Study Garment

 My final silhouette study garment:

the process:

Having never really sewn anything, much less an entire garment, working with a pattern was a strange experience. I was cutting out these huge pieces of paper and then trying to cut out the same shape from fabric. The entire process ended up taking up to 9 hours, split between 3 days.

This was my first time sewing, and I ran into a couple of problems. Sometimes I would press the pedal too hard and lose control of the fabric. That's the hardest part of sewing, trying to control where the fabric is going and feeding it through the needle.The hems were also hard since the fabric kept puckering. That was because i didn't leave enough seam allowance, so now i know to leave more than 5/8 inches for hems. I thought putting in the sleeves would be harder, but it wasn't that bad. Although the sleeves weren't sewn in that well so maybe I should have done a better job. Overall i'm happy with the way my garment came out. 

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